LAKEWOOD PATIENT, DEB CARNER Arthritis doesn't have to slow you down. Ask total hip replacement patient Deb Carner. The joint specialists at Twin Cities Orthopedics provided her with state-of-the-art treatment and care to help her quickly get back to the activities she loves. GET BACK IN STRIDE. Lakewood Lakewood + T TWIN CITIES ORTHOPEDICS HEALTH SYSTEM SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY! 218-894-1515 | LAKEWOODHEALTHSYSTEM.COM LAKEWOOD PATIENT , DEB CARNER Arthritis doesn't have to slow you down . Ask total hip replacement patient Deb Carner . The joint specialists at Twin Cities Orthopedics provided her with state - of - the - art treatment and care to help her quickly get back to the activities she loves . GET BACK IN STRIDE . Lakewood Lakewood + T TWIN CITIES ORTHOPEDICS HEALTH SYSTEM SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY ! 218-894-1515 | LAKEWOODHEALTHSYSTEM.COM