M.O.A.P.S. Madhatters One Act Play Showcase Your Vote Decides the Winners! "No-Show" New York Mills Intro to Acting Class "A-Game" Mills Players New York Mills 1st Place-$500 2nd Place-$200, "Beast of Baskerville" Browerville HS One Act Play and the MOAPieS ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY! Wadena Memorial Auditorium - 216 Dayton Ave. SW February 11 at 7:00 PM TICKETS: Adults (18+)$10 Students (9-17)$5 Children 8 and under are Free, but exempt from voting Tickets Available at the Door and Online: www.madhattersinc.org "The Parrot Sketch" Wild Hare Players Wadona A This activity is made possible by the worers of Minnesota through a gract from the Five Wings Arts Counci, thanks to a fegistarve appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Foundation, M.O.A.P.S. Madhatters One Act Play Showcase Your Vote Decides the Winners ! " No - Show " New York Mills Intro to Acting Class " A - Game " Mills Players New York Mills 1st Place- $ 500 2nd Place- $ 200 , " Beast of Baskerville " Browerville HS One Act Play and the MOAPieS ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY ! Wadena Memorial Auditorium - 216 Dayton Ave. SW February 11 at 7:00 PM TICKETS : Adults ( 18 + ) $ 10 Students ( 9-17 ) $ 5 Children 8 and under are Free , but exempt from voting Tickets Available at the Door and Online : www.madhattersinc.org " The Parrot Sketch " Wild Hare Players Wadona A This activity is made possible by the worers of Minnesota through a gract from the Five Wings Arts Counci , thanks to a fegistarve appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Foundation ,