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  • Published Date

    October 12, 2018
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001786422r1 Haunted House Oct. 12-13 7:30-11:oopm per person Oct. 18-20 7:30-11:oopn ie ous Sot Oct. 26-27 7:30-II:00pm on Halloween Oct. 317:30-11:00pm Site Location: Wadena County Fair Grounds West Hwy. 10 Wadena www.wadenacountyfair.com SUPERSTATION K-106 Contact: 218-639-0750 Facebook/Wadena County Fair Grounds Not recommended for ages under 10. Not handicap accessible kwad Johnson & Son Well Drilling, Aldrich Lions Club, Aldrich Township, Aldrich Tractor, Arvig, Benning knsp Printing & Publishing, Bill & Audrey Stearns, CMCU, Dewey's Taxidermy, Eirk J Olson, CPA, Fsam Mavis, Glamour, Hinkle Realty, Johannes Insurance Agency Inc, John's Car Care, Kern Laser Systems, KWAD Superstation, Larry's FAmily Pizza, Mark sTone Construction Company, McDonalds of Wadena, Mid Minnesota Federal Credit Union, Mid-Central Federal Savings Bank, Midwest Machinery Co, Mike & Marian Craig, Northside Floral Inc, Pemberton Law Firm, Pizza Ranch, Polman Transfer Inc, Professional Agronomy, R.D. Offut FArms- Wadena RD0 Equip (MN Valley Irrigation, Rotary Club of Wadena, Schuller Funeral Service, Sebeka/Menahga REview Messenger, Silvers Plumbing & Heating, Smith Furniture, Spectrum Marketing Services, Staples World, Tri-County Hospital, Wadena Family Dental Wadena Hide & Fur, Wadena Pioneer Journal, Wadena State Bank, Wadena Super One, Wadena Township, Wadena VFW, West Central Telephone, Westisde Sports, Woodland Dental