NEW YEAR SPECIAL 5.00% APY* 7-Mo. Certificate GET STARTED: New Year, more money. Visit a local branch in Wadena, New York Mills, or Perham (888) 330-8482 Or video call: MAGNIFI FINANCIAL *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY is effective as of January 11, 2023. $25,000 minimum original opening balance required. To be eligible for the 5.00% APY rate, at least 50% of the opening balance must be new money to Magnifi Financial, 4.00% APY rate applies if less than 50% are existing Magnifi Financial funds. 7-month promotional certificate will roll into standard 6-month certificate at renewal. Penalty for early withdrawal. $250,000 limit per member. $5 membership share required. Municipalities can qualify. IRA funds do not qualify. Limited time offer. Not valid with any other offers. Insured by NCUA. NEW YEAR SPECIAL 5.00 % APY * 7 - Mo . Certificate GET STARTED : New Year , more money . Visit a local branch in Wadena , New York Mills , or Perham ( 888 ) 330-8482 Or video call : MAGNIFI FINANCIAL * APY = Annual Percentage Yield . APY is effective as of January 11 , 2023. $ 25,000 minimum original opening balance required . To be eligible for the 5.00 % APY rate , at least 50 % of the opening balance must be new money to Magnifi Financial , 4.00 % APY rate applies if less than 50 % are existing Magnifi Financial funds . 7 - month promotional certificate will roll into standard 6 - month certificate at renewal . Penalty for early withdrawal . $ 250,000 limit per member . $ 5 membership share required . Municipalities can qualify . IRA funds do not qualify . Limited time offer . Not valid with any other offers . Insured by NCUA .